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Senin, 25 November 2019

Film about parents and children

Mirachel in cell no 7
Download here

Lee Yong-gu is a mentally impaired man with the intellect of a six-year-old. He lives in a run-down house along with his daughter Ye-seung. One day, he gets into a physical altercation with the police commissioner, who has just purchased the last Sailor Moon backpack for his daughter, a gift Yong-gu was saving up to buy for Ye-seung. Soon after, the police commissioner's daughter dies in a freak accident, in which she slips on ice and suffers a fatal blow to the back of her head while taking Yong-gu to another store that sells the same backpack. When Yong-gu tries to resuscitate her, a bystander mistakenly thinks he is molesting her. Yong-gu is falsely accused of the abduction, murder and rape of a minor. Police quickly take advantage of his disability and force him to confess to the crimes while ignoring exonerating evidence. Yong-gu is imprisoned and assigned to Cell No. 7, the harshest cell in a maximum security prison.

The other men in the cell led by gang leader So Yang-ho initially don't take kindly to Yong-gu after reading in his file that he murdered and molested a child. When Yong-gu saves Yang-ho from being fatally stabbed by a rival gang leader, Yang-ho repays the favor by smuggling Ye-seung into Cell No. 7. The cell's inmates slowly befriend Yong-gu and believe he is a good man who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They help Yong-gu rehearse what to say at his trial. Eventually, even the warden Jang Min-hwan, who is initially harsh to Yong-gu but softens up when the latter saves him from an arson attack, realizes that Yong-gu was merely cornered into making a false confession. He takes custody of Ye-seung and allows her to visit her father every afternoon.

The police commissioner, however, threatens to harm Ye-seung if Yong-gu doesn't confess his "crime" during his trial. Yong-gu ultimately chooses to sacrifice himself by pleading guilty and getting the death sentence. His execution date of December 23 coincides with Ye-seung's birthday. Before the date, Yong-gu's fellow inmates work on a hot air balloon and force Yong-gu and Ye-seung to board to try and let them escape, a riot goes on as they try to stop the police from stopping Yong-gu, but ultimately failed because of a rope connected to the hot air balloon caught in a barbed wire, later on the film Yong-gu was executed

Years after Yong-gu's execution, Ye-seung, who has been formally adopted by Min-hwan, has become a lawyer. She gathers her father's former inmates, all of whom have been released, to testify at her late father's retrial, which results in his acquittal. She visits Cell No. 7 and reminisces about their hot air balloon trip.

Minggu, 17 November 2019

Bunaken National Park

Bunaken National Park is a marine park in the north of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. The park is located near the centre of the Coral triangle, providing habitat to 390 species of coral as well as many fish, mollusc, reptile and marine mammal species. The Park is representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems, consisting of seagrass plain, coral reef, and coastal ecosystems.

     It was established as a national park in 1991 and is among the first of Indonesia's growing system of marine parks. It covers a total area of 890.65 km², 97% of which is marine habitat. The remaining 3% of the park is terrestrial, including the five islands of Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Nain and Siladen. The southern part of the Park covers part of the Tanjung Kelapa coast.
    North Sulawesi is considered to be a 'young' formation, of 5-24 million years of age. The region has undergone explosive volcanism 1.5-5 million years ago, which resulted in the volcanic tuff that characterizes the existing topography. Manado tua is an inactive volcano formed in a classical cone shape and rising over 600 m above sea level, the highest elevation in the park. Bunaken  Island also has volcanic origins with a significant amount of uplifted fossil coral. Nain Island is also a dome-shaped island, 139m in height. Mantehage Island is relatively flat and seems to be sinking into the sea. The island has extensive mangrove forest flats, partially separated by saltwater channels. Siladen is a low-lying coral sand island with no significant topography. Arakan-Wawontulap and Molas-Wori on the mainland of North Sulawesi are relatively flat areas at the base of volcanic hills. The absence of a continetal  allows the coastal area of the park to drop directly down the continental slope. The sea depth between the islands of the park is 200 to 1,840 metres.


 Radial categories in word meaning

    Semantics cognitive identifies meaning with conceptual structure, the network of stored representations in our memory involved in thought and language . A word can be seen as an entry point to a certain 'region' of our conceptual struc ture. Using the ideas discussed in the preceding sections, we can now sketch the way in which cognitive semantics models the conceptual knowledge structures underlying meaning.
    The ICM of head contains such information as the fact that the head is at the top of the body, that it contains the brain, the fact that ears, eyes, mouth and nose are located on it, the fact that it is mostly made of bone, that thinking happens inside it, and so on. Perhaps, as suggested by some investigators, one aspect of the conceptualization associated with head (as with any other non-abstract word) is a visual/spatial element, encoding such features as the referent's typical shape, colour and overall appearance (Jackendoff 2002: 345-350)

Senin, 11 November 2019

Air Terjun Lembah Harau

  Keelokan alam Lembah Harau juga dikenal oleh pecinta olahraga panjat tebing. Area ini bahkan mendapat julukan Indonesian Yosemite. Lembah Harau berdiri di area seluas 270,5 hektar. Daerah ini resmi ditetapkan sebagai cagar alam pada 10 Januari 1993. Berbagai spesies tanaman hutan hujan tropis dan binatang asli Sumatera terdapat di sini.
Lembah Harau terdiri dari tiga kawasan: Resort Aka Barayun, Resort Sarasah Bunta, dan Resort Rimbo Piobang. Ketiganya memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda, meskipun kawasan Rimbo Piobang belum digarap sepenuhnya. Di lokasi Aka Barayun terdapat tiga buah air terjun yang salah satunya diberi tambahan kolam renang demi menarik lebih banyak pengunjung. Terutama para keluarga yang membawa anak-anak mereka yang masih berusia Sekolah Dasar. Kontur fisik Aka Barayun yang berbukit batu terjal membuatnya berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi arena olahraga panjat tebing.
Fasilitas yang terdapat di Akar Berayun tergolong lebih lengkap. Selain terdapat penginapan berupa homestay hingga cottage. Tarif menginapnya mulai dari Rp 50.000 hingga Rp 2 juta per malam. Kawasan ini juga menyediakan delman sebagai alat transportasi. Jika bosan bermain di air terjun, Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan Lembah Harau dari atas tebing. Pihak pengelola menyediakan tangga untuk memudahkan perjalanan para wisatawan untuk mencapai puncak. Setelahnya, Anda bisa melanjutkan perjalanan ke penangkaran kupu-kupu yang terdapat di kebun binatang mini, atau menjajal gema dengan berteriak di titik gema (echo point) yang ada
Kawasan air terjun Sarasah Bunta cukup landai. Kita bisa bermain air tanpa kuatir baju menjadi basah. Namun bagi yang ingin berenang juga tak perlu kuatir akan kerepotan. Lembah Harau menyediakan tempat bilas dan toilet yang berada di depan pintu masuk. Bagi yang hobi foto-foto, jangan lupa untuk melindungi lensa kamera Anda dari cipratan air terjun.

Bentuk air terjun Sarasah Bunta yang dipercaya menyerupai penampakan seorang bidadari yang sedang mandi.
Masing-masing air terjun dinamai sesuai ciri khas daerah tersebut. Misalnya Sarasah Murai yang pada siang hari sering disinggahi burung-burung Murai, atau Sarasah Aie Angek yang airnya terasa hangat. Yang unik, Sarasah Bunta dipercaya memiliki kemiripan dengan bidadari yang sedang mandi, terutama jika bentuk air terjunnya yang tampak berlekuk dan terkena sinar matahari. Sementara Sarasah Aie Luluih airnya mengalir melewati dinding batu, dan berakhir di kolam pemandian alami.

Dinamakan Sarasah Murai sebab pada siang hari burung Murai banyak ditemukan di tempat ini.
Di sekitar lokasi air terjun  air terjun Sarasah Murai terdapat warung makan yang menyediakan camilan khas Sumatera Berat. Salah satunya opak yang dimakan dengan bumbu Sate Padang. Rasanya gurih bercampur pedas. Cocok dimakan di tengah udara Lembah Harau yang sejuk. Apalagi jika ditambah secangkir kopi Urang Awak khas Sumatera Barat. Kopi ini beraroma harum dengan kepekatan dan tingkat keasaman yang pas, sehingga dapat dinikmati oleh bukan pecinta kopi sekalipun.

Film about parents and children

Mirachel in cell no 7 Download here Lee Yong-gu is a ment...